VFF na ITAPA 2022 - Od Dubaja k Dunaju

ITAPA EXPO 2022 – to nie sú iba exponáty zo slovenského pavilónu na EXPO Dubaj 2020. Festival inovácií vám dokáže, že aj malými krokmi sa vieme prepracovať k veľkým veciam. Budeme tam aj my!

How can Slovakia become a centre of innovation? How to get rich from innovations? Perhaps a difficult question, but there is a simple answer.

Vladimír Šucha (Representation of the EC in Slovakia), Michaela Kršková (Office of the Government of the Slovak republic), Peter Blaškovitš (SIEA) and Miroslav Gašpárek (University of Oxford) will answer it. We will also talk with Miriama Kováčová about investment opportunities from the Venture to Future FundThis block will also include a hot-seat with Petr Blaškoviš from SIEA.



See you at Friday 9/9/2022 at 1:30 p.m.
